Athletics 2017 Term 4

Athletics 2017

Discus and Shot put were difficult, I persevered by giving it a go when I didn’t want to do either of them. I stayed positive during all activities even if I didn’t come a placing.

I didn’t manage to achieve my athletics goals as my goal was to come a placing in sprints; I almost made it at 4th place.

I represented by house by getting 3 pozi’s for working well with my team.
I think I did well in discus because I was really scared I was going to hurt myself doing it.

Shot Put was challenging because I had to hold a very heavy ball and throw it into the air. I had to show a growth mindset and push through even though it was too heavy for me.

I’m most proud of sprints because I nearly came 3rd.

Term 4 Learning Goal

Term 4 Learning Goal
My Learning Goal
Finish the 40 book challenge by the end of the term.

How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
  • Get books out of the library that suit the genre I’m working towards.
  • Continue reading every night.
  • Read at school when I get the chance.
  • Remember my book everyday.
  • Log the book as soon as I have finished reading it.
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
I would’ve read and logged 40 books.
My Learner Qualities Goal
Be Self Aware, because I don’t know if I work well with people around me.
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
Stay away from anyone who distracts me and ignore them when I’m doing my work. (Choose sensible place to work)
Knowing my learning goals (National Standards Spreadsheets)
Working towards achieving my learning goals.
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
I will be able to get my SML tasks done within a week.
I will choose sensible places to work.
I will have worked towards my learning goals.

Goal Review
What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
I’ve made progress by sitting next to sensible and quiet people. I know this because I’m doing better in writing and reading.

My Next Step is...
To finish my SML tasks around my talkative friends.